Lost Saga Info Wiki

Level 10 - Developer K's Inventions[]

Developer K's Invention

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V-Mechanic was forced to travel through dimensions to reach his destination of Lost Saga. Due to his inter-dimensional travel, V-Mech's suit was damaged & needed upgrading.

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To travel faster than light, Dev.k decided to use the TimeGate engine on V-Mech to move faster. Developer K invented a robot that can move faster than the speed of light using a super-dimension engine.

Level 20 - The Velocity Of Light[]

The Velocity Of Light

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Key element of time travel is speed faster than light, Dev.k used a special booster to develop a robot that can travel at enormous speed.

Since controlling the robot remotely through the TimeGate is impossible, he implemented Artificial Intelligence. Now It's time to name the robot. Velocity, Mech, V-Mechanic.

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As soon as Dev.k pushes the [Power ON] button, V-Mech's main engine in its chest is activated. Dev.k presses the activation button on V-Mech. As the super-dimension engine in the robot's chest started up, light came out of its eyes.

Level 30 - Incomplete Flyer[]

Incomplete Flyer

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V-Mech is finally up & running. Dev.k never had such satisfaction since he came into Lost Saga. Dev.k preforms a final check-up mainly on battle & booster capabilities.

Everything looks perfect except one thing...

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The most important element, Dimension traveling function is not working. Why is the dimension shifting feature disabled? Disassembling broken parts & reusing them was probably a bad idea...

Level 40 - No Need to be Frustrated[]

No Need to be Frustrated

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It seems that your V-suit has been properly attuned to match your strengths & weaknesses. After thorough testing, It seems your (?)

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But if it fails... V-Mechanic will explode into tiny pieces... Developer K falls into deep thought.

Level 50 - Ok, I've decided![]

Ok, I've decided!




Now you can only hope that V-Mechanic moved to the other dimension safely... How will he come back here? You haven't thought about it that much.

Level 60 - Where am I?[]

Where am I




V-Mechanic enters the tower. He activates the scanner to scan for signs of living creatures, but finds nothing.

Level 70 - Unliving Creature[]

Unliving Creature




V-Mechanic soon realizes that these are non-living creatures. He takes out his massive beam shovels with his hands.

To Be Continued